Be lead by the Holy Spirit

In one day she will be 3. She received a few packages in the mail today and I was told to be on the lookout for tomorrow and Monday. I’m taking her to build a bear this weekend to get her another bear.

I also decided next month she and I will take mommy and daughter photos. She starts school next week. She will be in preK. I’m so excited to see how she will interact with her classmates, her teachers, and I just chuckle thinking of how tiny she is compared to the other students.

She makes my life much better. As of lately she has been fighting her sleep. She has to do everything but sleep. Since she has a big girl bed, she also knows how to get out and climb on my bench to get into the bed with me. I have to safeguard the room every night to make sure she is safe. Once she goes to sleep she is normally knocked out but two nights this week I felt her and heard her get up.

Sedi knows she is loved. She loves me kissing her and rubbing her. She lmoves my hand to scratch her back or rub her feet. Who does this little almost 2 year old thinks she is? She takes over my entire bed. I mean my entire bed. She is barely 23 pounds, but she takes over my entire bed.

As I prepare to close my eyes, I think about how exhausting this week has been and I can’t even imagine how next week will be. She starts school and it’s at 7:40 am daily. She has daily therapy after school (school is only a few hours). I still work and have class and working in research and organizing for my comprehensive exams that I will take next fall.

I showed my dad the items I have for her Easter basket a few days ago during one of his lucid moments. Those that have been following me know that I’m his caregiver and he has Alzheimer’s. He has few lucid moments now, but as I went through every item I’ve purchased so far, he started grinning. I asked if he remembered us going to Williamsburg to pick out the baskets he would use for my Easter baskets. He just smiled so I have no idea, but that was a feel good moment. He is a roller coaster ride. Every day is different and his nurse has been bracing me for “life.”

Sedi has taught me to accept the love that is given by those people that love me unconditionally.


Mommy loves her girl! You bring so much joy to many. You are the beacon of peace and hope that I didn’t even know I needed. Your laughter brightens my soul!

I’m cheering for you because while you have several diagnosis, I know you will conquer anything you desire. I see you daily do things that no one would have ever imagined three years ago.

You are my shero! I’m blessed…

Selfie after feeding and speech therapy! Go Sedi!!!
She LOVES AFV! She cracks us all up when she watches it! This is the baby edition.

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About Me

I have been afforded the ability to accept the many trials, laughs, tribulations that life throws my way and embrace them as much as possible. I am a mom, a lover of life, and person that reflects too much.
