Dreamers …

I sit still a lot. I listen. I watch. I pray. I hear God speaking to me. There are many times I have heard his voice loud and clear and I still decide to do it my way. I guess it’s human nature, right? We think taking the short cut might get us there faster or we believe we can see what He might not be able to see.

I received my bill from my attorney last night and I laughed so hard and loud I’m surprised I didn’t wake Sedinam. I laughed just like Ceily did in The Color Purple at the dinner table.

And I kept laughing. And then I laughed some more people I cut my light out, turned over, and went to sleep. I’ve been sleeping very well lately and the key to having a restful slumber is learning to follow the directions that He provides. Too often as I mentioned above, we want to do it our way and when things end up “messy” or not the way we desire, we become emotional and feel some way.

Welp… I’m listening and have followed all of those instructions He has given me….

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About Me

I have been afforded the ability to accept the many trials, laughs, tribulations that life throws my way and embrace them as much as possible. I am a mom, a lover of life, and person that reflects too much.
