Protect Your Peace

We have gates all through our house. It’s so funny because Anthony was very busy as a toddler, but Sedi girl….

Anthony was also raised with two parents, attended daycare, and we had a circle of people that helped us with him. Sedinam is a COVID baby. I had to place many restrictions, which ultimately has helped her. I take to heart each time one of her medical professionals say “Good job, mom!” This was ALL Anthony and I. Her big brother gave her the same thing his dad gives him!

Today as I packed up the car and leaving my dads facility an Uber/Lyft driver drove up to me to tell me that I “radiated such a glow.” I truly doubt he was flirting, but even if he was, he complimented my being. My classmate told me the same thing today. “Kiera, your presence lights up this class.” I lost that for a bit.

My fraternity brother and I will sit on a panel this weekend together. His baby is still in NICU after six months. He complimented me on being strong and doing this alone. He and his wife are anxious to bring his son home with their other two kids. I shared with him one thing I do not regret. Do NOT allow anyone to bring any germs around him. This was emphasized to me many times in NICU and I even learned from a mother that her child died after coming home because of an infection that was because of someone being sick around the baby.

I don’t regret any decisions because I sat at the NICU almost daily: alone. The first time I held her, I remember being so excited and FaceTiming people. I was perplexed that day. I remember the first time I kissed her. I remember the second time I held her and then the third. I remember the first time I gave her a bottle. I remember the first time attempting to get her to latch. I read to her daily. I knew and still know her cues.

When I think of how much I have had to protect her, it’s surreal. I’ve had to protect her credit. I’ve had to protect her identity. I’ve learned about The Hague Convention Act. I’ve learned about possibly filing to have her name changed because of the possibility of it being stolen. I’ve advocated about authentic documentation going into the hands of the wrong person.

I’ve also protected this busy body as she plays on the stairs. I let her climb up and down and I do it with her daily. It’s a game to her but I’m there to protect her. Spike is there. Anthony has helped with protecting his sister by spending his nights cleaning up when we are sleep and putting up gates, making sure the outlets and cabinets are covered. We laugh and shake our heads asking the question, “what are we going to do with this girl…” Her Elmo chair arrived to my dads facility and my dad had them place it where her other toys are in his room. He protects those toys and he is still looking for that yellow ball that disappeared.

We all protect her. She brings us love and peace. We watch her closely. We know her cries (she does not cry much at all, except now at the doctors). We know when she is hungry or when she is sleepy. She has now grown to know what she likes and this includes people. She loves routines and I can’t say this enough, but she loves her big brother and her fur brother.

They both protect her and we are all peace. As I think of those that allow people and circumstances to disrupt their life, find a way not to allow it. Spend time with God. Spend time making note of how good He is and has been to you! Spend time remembering the devil will never win because #GodWillAlwaysWin and He will protect you from any deceit.

Remember not to allow anyone and everything in your space.

Take time over the next few days to remind yourself of just how much He favors you. There are so many that are looking at you because they see God in you. They are following you via your social media and even some looking at you in the flesh wondering how!

And it’s because you protect your peace! Pull that gate and don’t ever forget to lock and close it behind you 🥰

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About Me

I have been afforded the ability to accept the many trials, laughs, tribulations that life throws my way and embrace them as much as possible. I am a mom, a lover of life, and person that reflects too much.
